
You’ve taken the leap and want to receive your FREE test email.

Here’s what to do next …

Send an email to and let me know you’d like to be one of the five.

Also include a link to your website.

If you have initial questions, please include these in your email.

I’ll reply by email and include a short questionnaire for you to fill in.

This will help me know more about your business, your ideal customer, the goal of your email and which page on your site a visitor reaches by clicking in the body of your email.

For the email I write you to hit the bull’s eye, I need to know about the ‘target’.

Please rest assured, any information you share will be kept strictly confidential – you have my word on this.

And if you’d like me to sign a non-disclosure agreement, I’ll happily do this for you.

I prefer to communicate by email so I have a written record of our ‘conversation’.

This will help me to avoid any misunderstandings and to offer you the best service possible.

Looking forward to hearing from you. 🙂

Send me your email now, before another issue distracts you.

Once I have five names, that’s it – the door closes and I’ll start charging for my email copywriting service.

To your growing sales – despite the slowing economy,

Signature of Eldo Barkhuizen, email marketer